Twin Pelican Chicks

Pelican Twins! Well, my sister and I are not exactly twin pelican chicks, but we still have a lot of life in both of us. She was dancing this weekend on the East Coast and her husband filmed her. I saw the post on Facebook! I dance at my Jazzercise class most mornings. Did you know that people who dance fight dementia? Not that we’re worried about that at our age. I just know I feel great when I dance.
I drew the chicks above in my Drawing 2 class at Cabrillo College, our local community college last spring. I was very into learning how to draw birds, not a natural talent, but in the end I had so much fun.This was my teacher’s favorite of all the drawings I did. But, his wife was expecting twins!
My twin sister, Laurie, and I are very close, despite the fact we’ve lived most of our lives apart. We were born at midnight, so we have different birthdays. No, we are not identical. I, yes, was born first. Unfortunately, my cord was wrapped around my sister’sneck, and she was born blue. Yes, she forgave me.
Lauriehas always been so adventuresome and brave! I’ve followed her on some of her teaching travels to Brazil and Venezuela. Just a few short years ago on our birthday I followed her across a small bay to snorkel in the turquiosewaters with lots of colorful fish. She has helped me overcome my shyness and timidity, and to do things I never thought I could.
Happy Birthday, sweet twin. We’ll talk again this weekend, and I’ll see you nextsummer. Can’t wait!
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