- By: Joan Rose Staffen
- Edited by: Lisa
- Published by: WriteStar Publishing
- Formats: Paperback, eBook
Swimming the Inner Ocean: Stories of a Lightworker
Swimming the Inner Ocean is an inspiring, magical book of true stories written by Joan Rose Staffen, a lightworker and psychic healer. Meeting with clients from all walks of life, Joan Rose and the angels of light and love, help people .with their present and past issues to discover the truth and deeper meaning of their lives. Spiritual guides and deceased loved one are contacted. Quickly, issues are cleared and healed, so people can create new plans, move forward and fulfill their life dreams. Come join her while she reveals her relationship with the angels and how they comforted and healed her and her clients. You can buy Swimming the Inner Ocean here.
$14.95 at Amazon.com
I was very moved by the stories within Swimming the Inner Ocean and would highly recommend it to those looking for stories of inspiration and healing from our heavenly guidance.
Amy E. Doherty, Amazon Customer
I found this book deeply meaningful. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Reading it will help many people. A very worthwhile read.
dlubin, Amazon Customer