Finding A Spirit Guide, I Mean Bird!

At my “Artist Way Class” we played with clay, let our hands do the talking, and were introduced to an animal guide for the class. My clay morphed from hawk to pelican.My guide, the pelican, has been showing up all week.
I was above Seabright Beach on the cliffs when this large, wide winged bird floated up on the wind level with my view of him. Oh, so majestic and ancient looking at the same time.I am for a moment transported into the mystery – the feeling that everything in life is orchestrated and in divine order.
According to Animals Speak by Ted Andrews, pelicans symbolically represent the ability “to be buoyant and rest on the top in spite of life’scircumstances. The pelican teaches that no matter how difficult life becomes, no matter how much you plunge, you can pop to the surface.”
I drew the picture above in my drawing class at Cabrillo College. I had fun getting to know pelicans through drawing them. Such amazing birds! The Audubon Society says of them, “An unmistakable bird of coastal waters. Groups of Brown Pelicans fly low over the waves in single file, flapping and gliding in unison. Their feeding behavior is spectacular, as they plunge headlong into the water in pursuit of fish.”
Call on a pelican when you’re going through challenging times and plunging to meet life’s challenges. Know you canjust rest on the spiritual waters, no matter what is going on in your life. Ask the pelicans for their magic and power!
What birds are you attracted to? What do you think they mean to you spiritually? What message are they giving you?