Monthly Archives: January 2016

Fifteen Self Care Ideas

A pink flower with yellow stamen and leaves.Sometimes, when all is too busy and spinning, the best thing you can do is take a time out and practice nurturingyourself. Here is a short list of kind ways to take care of yourself.


Write a new affirmation on a card and say it through out the day.
Start a compliments box and write down sweet thingsothers say to you.
Go cloud watching, lie on the sand, grass or ground if you can, and breathe deeply.
Take one-minute meditations between activities and say your affirmation.
Do a mini-declutter of a book shelf, drawer or closet. Give it away to someone as a mini-gift.


Go to a dance, aerobics or yoga class. Pretend you’re sixteen.
Stretch, walk or jog in your nearest park. Hug a tree.
Ask your body what it wants and listen. Then do that!
Give yourself the gift of a massage, pedicure, or manicure.
Eat your veggies, drink water, and love yourself.


See the beauty in birds, animals, plants and trees.
Watch the flames in a fire and cuddle with a cat or friend.
Cook and enjoy a healthy, delicious meal with family or friends.
Attend live music performance or play and soak in the richness.
Find and give yourself time to read a great book.

What’s your favorite self care activity? Do that. Give thanks and enjoy your day!

Self Care on Winter Days

A yellow flower with orange tips in the middle of it.Sometimes the hardest time to take care of ourselves is during the winter when clouds, rain, snow, and weather just keeps oncoming. But self-care is so important!

I remember first hearing the term when I was a mother of two young children. It was such a surprise that I was suppose to give myself time to meditate, exercise, and relax! I would be a better mom and person if I took care of me first.

Now my children are grown and out of the home, and its still important I take care of myself. I feel so much better after a walk, a swim, or Jazzercise. Some days I’m feeling a little blue, and I have to give myself more of the gift of self-care.

So have your nails done or a pedicure or a massage. Or go to the bookstore and buy that special book you’ve been wanting. It won’t break the bank and you’ll feel much better!And maybe more present for others! Have a sweet day!

Seagull Hearing a Voice, Embracing his Fate

A bird is flying over the water on the beach.


Jonathan Jr. was here today contemplating the ocean, its expanse, its glittering, pink, and grey surf! He wondered, “Is this voice I hear real?” He heard itagain – the Great God voice softly inside, then booming,say, “Be who you came here to be. Your soul is calling you.”

But Jonathan Jr. thought, “But aren’t I ordinary? Shouldn’t I do what everyone else is doing? Shouldn’t I just hunt, eat, rest, and get up and do it again? Or should I listen to this insistent, soft sometimes, but big voice?”

The others, his very-content-with-life friends, he could see them on the beach, were huddled together, just an ordinary Sunday afternoon.

Jonathan Jr. felt heneeded a little time away from the flock, especially after his spiritual expereinece this morning. “Did anyone notice that I was acting weird,” he wondered. Isn’t it called schizophrenia when you hear a voice? Was it God? He reminded himself that it said, “Be your extraordinary self. Be your extraordinarysea gull self. Fly, fly, reach for heaven…”

“Okay… But, but, but… No I’m notan eagle;I’mjust a seagull.” He was feeling the dreadin his tummy, that was growling now. A cold fear in every cell of his bird body. He shook it off. He reminded himself, “false evidence appearing real.”

He affirmed to himself, “I’m going to face the day, face my fate, and be all, all I can be today. Maybe, maybe just today, I’ll practice flying, and fly higher than I ever have. Here I am; here I go…”


Gratitude in Hard Times

A picture of some type of drawing on the ground.The hardest time to have a grateful heart is when you’re sad about an event in your life.What I do in hard times is ask the angels of light and love to comfort me. I ask them how I can handle this and to help me withlove, miracles, and progress.

Iknow that God/Goddesses is only good and that even in the midst of difficulties there is so much to be grateful for. This wave, this challenge, I am facing will pass.Now let’s turn this day around, find some coffee or tea, a comfortable place to sit and write a gratitude list. There is so much to be grateful for even the midst of troubles. We can be victorious!

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