Self Care on Winter Days

A yellow flower with orange tips in the middle of it.Sometimes the hardest time to take care of ourselves is during the winter when clouds, rain, snow, and weather just keeps oncoming. But self-care is so important!

I remember first hearing the term when I was a mother of two young children. It was such a surprise that I was suppose to give myself time to meditate, exercise, and relax! I would be a better mom and person if I took care of me first.

Now my children are grown and out of the home, and its still important I take care of myself. I feel so much better after a walk, a swim, or Jazzercise. Some days I’m feeling a little blue, and I have to give myself more of the gift of self-care.

So have your nails done or a pedicure or a massage. Or go to the bookstore and buy that special book you’ve been wanting. It won’t break the bank and you’ll feel much better!And maybe more present for others! Have a sweet day!

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