Seagull Hearing a Voice, Embracing his Fate

Jonathan Jr. was here today contemplating the ocean, its expanse, its glittering, pink, and grey surf! He wondered, “Is this voice I hear real?” He heard itagain – the Great God voice softly inside, then booming,say, “Be who you came here to be. Your soul is calling you.”
But Jonathan Jr. thought, “But aren’t I ordinary? Shouldn’t I do what everyone else is doing? Shouldn’t I just hunt, eat, rest, and get up and do it again? Or should I listen to this insistent, soft sometimes, but big voice?”
The others, his very-content-with-life friends, he could see them on the beach, were huddled together, just an ordinary Sunday afternoon.
Jonathan Jr. felt heneeded a little time away from the flock, especially after his spiritual expereinece this morning. “Did anyone notice that I was acting weird,” he wondered. Isn’t it called schizophrenia when you hear a voice? Was it God? He reminded himself that it said, “Be your extraordinary self. Be your extraordinarysea gull self. Fly, fly, reach for heaven…”
“Okay… But, but, but… No I’m notan eagle;I’mjust a seagull.” He was feeling the dreadin his tummy, that was growling now. A cold fear in every cell of his bird body. He shook it off. He reminded himself, “false evidence appearing real.”
He affirmed to himself, “I’m going to face the day, face my fate, and be all, all I can be today. Maybe, maybe just today, I’ll practice flying, and fly higher than I ever have. Here I am; here I go…”