Blog Block, The Election, and The Book of Pendulum Healing is Coming!

Some thoughts. I don’t know about you but the news since Rump has been in office, has been terrible. It’s as if each crisis is worse than the last. I am suppose to be a spiritual person, and I am, but I am very reactive too. (Reactive is overarching small word for anger, sadness, and grief I have felt, but I am attempting to be polite.)
I chose the photo above as an antidote as the ocean can be very calming!
These stressful days reminds me of parenthood. I waited a long time to be a mom, I was thirty-five when I had my first baby. I had spent five years on a spiritual path–meditating, praying saying affirmations and suddenly (or after nine months) I was a new mom, so in love with my baby, Adam. But being a mom was the hardest labor of love I ever experienced, and at times I didn’t feel very spiritual. I felt constrained and scared, and here was this little being depending on me. (I do want you to know he did grow up, despite me, and is a wonderful kind, loving, and helpful man.)
Now, I have this fabulous book coming out, The Book of Pendulum Healing, in January. I can’t wait to see it and share it in bookstores and at my workshops. But I haven’t been blogging and telling you about it.
I have been too obsessed with the national crisis waves we are experiencing. I follow the news, rant, and donate small amounts to lots of groups. Then I remember to pray for spiritual help for us all.
Yes, I do talk about prayer in my book, about how I worked in the Prayer Room at Unity Village, and prayed with people from around the world. I used to find comfort in Myrtle Fillmore’s (co-founder of Unity) apple orchards. I imagined her and Jesus walking with me, and picked an apple a day to eat!
Today, I pray that we will soon be out of disheartening, devastating Rump world one way or another. I am always saying to the angels, “Help, help our country and the world. Help the planet, the immigrants, the children, the native Americans, the people of color, the women, the LGBT people–help us all!
So that’s my truth for the day. I will be writing more. Stay positive, love your neighbor, eat your apples, and VOTE. We shall overcome.
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