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Seven Reasons Why You Should Learn to Use a Pendulum and the Intuitive Healing Charts

A pendulum is shown with the words " pendulum healing " underneath it.I enjoyed writing this bulleted list. There is something so nice, clean and organized about lists in life. Life is chaotic, but books and lists help us find our way through each day.

From my book, The Book of Pendulum Healing, “Seven Reasons Why You Should Learn to Use a Pendulum and the Intuitive Healing Charts:

  • Learning and practicing the pendulum will help you make wiser decisions for your health and life.
  • As you make life-affirming decisions for yourself, you will feel better mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
  • By doing the exercises throughout the book, you will have a better relationship with yourself and your body.
  • When you take the time to center, ground, and use your pendulum, you will find you are naturally connected to a Higher Power.
  • Pendulum dowsing is both practical and spiritual and will take you on a mystical journey.
  • Your intuition will expand and flow into every part of your life.
  • Your creativity and imagination will flourish.

Can you imagine receiving these very real promises? It’s time to start the journey.You can pre-order The Book of Pendulum Healing from Amazon.

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