Seven Reasons Why You Should Learn to Use a Pendulum and the Intuitive Healing Charts

From my book, The Book of Pendulum Healing, “Seven Reasons Why You Should Learn to Use a Pendulum and the Intuitive Healing Charts:
- Learning and practicing the pendulum will help you make wiser decisions for your health and life.
- As you make life-affirming decisions for yourself, you will feel better mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
- By doing the exercises throughout the book, you will have a better relationship with yourself and your body.
- When you take the time to center, ground, and use your pendulum, you will find you are naturally connected to a Higher Power.
- Pendulum dowsing is both practical and spiritual and will take you on a mystical journey.
- Your intuition will expand and flow into every part of your life.
- Your creativity and imagination will flourish.
Can you imagine receiving these very real promises? It’s time to start the journey.You can pre-order The Book of Pendulum Healing from Amazon.
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