The Artist Way by Julia Cameron Transformed My Life

Years ago I was writing my first book, “Divination & Joy, Intuitive Tools for an Inspired Life,” but I was having a difficult time finishing. My girlfriend who had facilitated the course at her work said, “Let’s start an Artist Way group.” I had the book on my bookshelf, but I hadn’t opened it in a five years. Together we began the twelve week process found in the book, Morning Pages, Weekly Artist Dates, and exercises at the end of the chapter. In the tenth week of the class, I finished the book and we ate a carrot cake from Gayle’s Bakery to celebrate.
During that time I was a single mom with pre-teens and then teenagers, running a high tech marketing company and the sole support of my family. The Artist Way not only helped me with my writing, but with my life.
When Julia Cameron created the course and later the book, she made a decision to give it to the world. For the price of her book, people could heal their artistic souls and create community of like-minded artists. Her book has reached diverse audiences around the world, and not only helped heal artists, but others suffering from physical problems. The Artist Way just had its 25th anniversary in print and has sold 4 million copies.
Julia Cameron has been an excellent mentor to me through her books. And at “Creative Reboot” just last month I enjoyed a workshop with her and finally met her. She had us all engaged in the process immediately. Once more, I discovered I wanted to focus on my painting.
I have now taught theArtist Way for fifteen years, and presently just started a new group. Each time I finish a course with students, I have the pleasure of seeing people’s lives expand, and some students pursue professional art programs and jobs. I, too, am given a gift–a new form of art–poetry, painting, books, and new ideas for my own creative life.
So run to your bookstore, buy a copy of theArtist Way, and begin the process. You will be amazed at the transformation in your life.
Just this year I’ve been working with Red Wheel/Weiser who is going to publish “The Book of Pendulum Healing” January 2019 – a dream come true to finally launch my work out into the wider world. Yes, the Artist Way will help all your creative dreams come true.