She Calls

A Poem Dedicated to Madyson Middleton and Laura Jordan of Santa Cruz, California


A view of the ocean from an island.


She calls, provides me with a simple life,

a life on the San Lorenzo River,

overlooking pink eucalyptus and pine.

She urges ­– become a painter, a writer,

live in an intentional arts community.


Some mornings, coffee in hand,

cat on my lap, I marvel.

I am suppose to paint, write,

I am suppose to contemplate,

drink it in, the flash of

of the iridescent blue jay,

against the forest green.


Called, yes, thirty-three years ago,

a sudden awakening, a rebirth.

I was led to the Unity Prayer Room,

Lee Summit, Missouri,

praying with people from

the U.S, the world.


I learned,

“Be still and know I am God.

Be still and know I am.

Be still and know.

Be still.”


My vocation included sitting for a

half-hour in the dead of night, winter,

in the dimly lit chapel

where prayer had been

continuous for ninety years.


I did my best, I didn’t understand,

how I’d arrived there,

but, I was deeply honored;

my own wounds healing.


It’s as if I’m on an invisible path,

sometimes lit, sometimes not,

headed north, slowly, following a map of

valleys and mountains without designation,

but with stars and moon revealed.


And just last summer

a little girl, Maddy, eight,

a neighbor on the first floor,

was murdered by another

neighbor, fifteen, a sick boy

who just wanted to know what

it felt like to kill someone.


On this holy ground,

Tibetian monks performed

an exorcism – with loud clanging

bells, gongs, and drums.

They chanted for a good hour,

red and gold robes in dim light

in our community room,

releasing, cleansing, and purifying.

If only it was that easy.

I and others, children too,

lit candles and prayed for days.


I was called to offer

a light of a painting,

red and gold, “Golden Spirit,”

to Laura, Maddy’s brave mother.

Now I know why,

in all this light and darkness too,

why ­–

I paint, pray, and write.





Knock, Knock, Knock on Heaven’s Door

A close up of the flower arrangement in a vase

I loved this book. Patricia Pearson is not only a eloquent writer, but she weaves her personal story with detailedstories of others. Concurrently, she reports on scientific research about people’s moment of death and near death experiences.

I loved the story of her sister, Katharine. Shetells the story of her life and her vulnerable, sad time with cancer. Patricia, after her sister’s death, “wanted to understand what we knew, and what remained unclear, scientifically elusive, about these controversial modes of awareness. …Why did she enter into her own dying experience afraid at first – only to become increasingly joyful? What was she seeing, what was she learning, what would she have told me if she could have, after she could no longer converse. What I learned in the ensuing few years was far richer and more mysterious than I ever imagined, and by sharing it with you, I am hoping that I will open a door.”

I am fascinated by these stories because in my psychic hearingswith people, often deceased loved ones psychically show up. I can hear them, and in my mind’s eye, see them. I am honored to meet these souls and transmit messages to and from loved ones.

Opening Heaven’s Doorcould help thosewho are facing their loved ones or their own illness or death. It lessoned thefear of death for me. She sums up her works by saying, “When the dying leave us, it’s like a footprint in the sand that needs to be filled in. Where the water rushes in, where love rushes in.”Such a wise and profound book!

Happy, Oh God, It’s Valentine’s Day

A close up of some flowers on a table

I know it’s a little late, but hey, we still have hours to go. I hope all you single people on the planet, I think its half of us, yes billions, have a truly great day. And everyone else.

Here in Santa Cruz, California, the weather has been like a beautiful painting, more spring/summer than winter. Yes, we worry, but we love these days. 76 degrees. Okay, did you notice how I changed the topic to a very safe topic? The weather!

Well, I must admit, even though I had a great Valentines Day and weekend, I still have/had this hysterical little girl (ten) within who is worried about all the classmates who didn’t give me a Valentine’s Day card in 1962. I’ve attempted taking care of her, multiple trips to See’s Candy, new earrings, and crazy texts to my boyfriend who can’t wait until this holiday is over.

Just for fun this morning, my boyfriend and I had a fight about Hilary and Bernie. I like them both. He,for some reason, wants to tell me all these very questionable stories, thirty plusyears of them, spread globally by Hilary haters,about Hilary, my hero. Really, when she was in the White House, they, men and women, just wanted her to bake cookies and serve tea 1800’s style. They didn’t want her to think or work on any of our many health or education issues.

I found this fromHamburger –“Hilaryreally is a paradox.In Gallup polling, Hillary Clinton has been voted the most admired woman in the world 17 times, yet The New York Times is on record as having called her the “most hated First Lady” ever. The media have referred to her has “nagging”, “controlling” and “conniving” but also as “loyal”, “fearless” and “intelligent.”

Just so you know, my still boyfriend and I have agreed not to ever talk about Hilary again. It’s our “H” word. He is now taking me out to dinner. Thank God.

And don’t you love this badass Hilary quote – “I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession.” But paradoxically, you can now find Hilary’s chocolate chip cookie recipe online here –

So investigateHilary for yourself and tell me what you find. And do have a wonderful Valentine’s Day.


The Roller Coaster of Life

A beach with many boats in the water

When the angels say, “All is swell,” I know that life is going to be rocky, a roller coaster of a day. IfI remember, I ground myself and meditate before I hit the door.

I have always been a sensitive person. In fact, its my job as a psychic healer and reader to pick up signals of all sorts. So when the angels say its going to be up and down and up and down and really, some of it is a bit scary day, I try to remember to breathe. I think can I handle this? Oh my gosh, lets just hang on. I do listen.

The trick, when riding the roller coaster of life, is to hold on and let go simultaneously.

It’s life with a capital L. It’s why we came here to the planet, to experience, grow, and learn. And we have lots to learn. For me, it’s arepetitiveprocess until I truly understand what I am doing and what I need to learn. Seriously, sometimes it takes me months, and yes for some lessons – years. That’s why I believe in counseling, coaching, twelve-step work, psychic readings and healings.

How do you hang on and let go simultaneously? It’s a gymnastic trick! You hold on to the thought, that you are a child of the universe, connected to the great all; and simultaneously a human being, an experiment in the mind of God with all the human foibles, free will, creativity, with the soul or spark of the creator within your light being. Yes, it’s a little complicated to be us.

So, knowing who you are, you let go, breathe, relax, and surrender to that divine part within yourself and within the Universe. When you surrender, you relax. It means that you know you are not God. You know that there is a higher force and you let her/him guide the journey. Guide, not control. You still have free will and you are 100% loved.

You cannot lose. So, have fun riding the roller coaster. It’s okay if you scream, cry, and laugh. Don’t forget to breathe. Oh, what a great Life.

Some Days You Just Have to Go to the Beach

A view of the ocean from a rocky cliff.Such a February, California morning. I just want to be out and about. I left my crowded corner and as everyone was busily driving off to work or school, I headed for the beach.

At Seabright I found fellow beach combers and tail-wagging dogs. One fisherman! Happy, everyone looked happy. It feels like one of our best summer days minus the fog!

The angels say enjoy! We will have more rain, probably until May. Hope your day, where ever you are, is sunny and bright.


A brown snake is on the ground

If you are having a rough day, ask the angels for help, and send your Higher Power a S.O.S! Then watch and wait for the miracles!






Dark Morning of the Soul

A black and white photo of people on the beach.

Sometimes, even our mornings can seem dark. Sometimes, the hardest thing is just to get up, as if we have come back from a sad dream. When this happens to me,I ask the angels for help. I mightremember to pray, “This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad.”Thenmy hungry cat, Pangea, will pounce on me until I’m up. Peet’s coffee is also waiting for me…

I hope you have a lighter, brighter day!

Stand Up for Yourself

A red flower is growing in the middle of some green leaves.


Speakingup for yourself is a form of self care. I don’t know why its still hard for me, but it is. So when I do say my truth– I feel like I’m putting a grey filmon the day. I hear you, girlfriend. I know that’s ridiculous! But, I do. But hey, sometimes I’m just stating the obvious!

So speak up, stand up! Just like this red flower sitting in a bed of prickly succulent arms. Say it with love, or whatever, just say it. Hey, we don’t have to be perfect.

What aren’t you saying that possibly would help move your life forward? See you tomorrow.

Fifteen Self Care Ideas

A pink flower with yellow stamen and leaves.Sometimes, when all is too busy and spinning, the best thing you can do is take a time out and practice nurturingyourself. Here is a short list of kind ways to take care of yourself.


Write a new affirmation on a card and say it through out the day.
Start a compliments box and write down sweet thingsothers say to you.
Go cloud watching, lie on the sand, grass or ground if you can, and breathe deeply.
Take one-minute meditations between activities and say your affirmation.
Do a mini-declutter of a book shelf, drawer or closet. Give it away to someone as a mini-gift.


Go to a dance, aerobics or yoga class. Pretend you’re sixteen.
Stretch, walk or jog in your nearest park. Hug a tree.
Ask your body what it wants and listen. Then do that!
Give yourself the gift of a massage, pedicure, or manicure.
Eat your veggies, drink water, and love yourself.


See the beauty in birds, animals, plants and trees.
Watch the flames in a fire and cuddle with a cat or friend.
Cook and enjoy a healthy, delicious meal with family or friends.
Attend live music performance or play and soak in the richness.
Find and give yourself time to read a great book.

What’s your favorite self care activity? Do that. Give thanks and enjoy your day!

Self Care on Winter Days

A yellow flower with orange tips in the middle of it.Sometimes the hardest time to take care of ourselves is during the winter when clouds, rain, snow, and weather just keeps oncoming. But self-care is so important!

I remember first hearing the term when I was a mother of two young children. It was such a surprise that I was suppose to give myself time to meditate, exercise, and relax! I would be a better mom and person if I took care of me first.

Now my children are grown and out of the home, and its still important I take care of myself. I feel so much better after a walk, a swim, or Jazzercise. Some days I’m feeling a little blue, and I have to give myself more of the gift of self-care.

So have your nails done or a pedicure or a massage. Or go to the bookstore and buy that special book you’ve been wanting. It won’t break the bank and you’ll feel much better!And maybe more present for others! Have a sweet day!

Seagull Hearing a Voice, Embracing his Fate

A bird is flying over the water on the beach.


Jonathan Jr. was here today contemplating the ocean, its expanse, its glittering, pink, and grey surf! He wondered, “Is this voice I hear real?” He heard itagain – the Great God voice softly inside, then booming,say, “Be who you came here to be. Your soul is calling you.”

But Jonathan Jr. thought, “But aren’t I ordinary? Shouldn’t I do what everyone else is doing? Shouldn’t I just hunt, eat, rest, and get up and do it again? Or should I listen to this insistent, soft sometimes, but big voice?”

The others, his very-content-with-life friends, he could see them on the beach, were huddled together, just an ordinary Sunday afternoon.

Jonathan Jr. felt heneeded a little time away from the flock, especially after his spiritual expereinece this morning. “Did anyone notice that I was acting weird,” he wondered. Isn’t it called schizophrenia when you hear a voice? Was it God? He reminded himself that it said, “Be your extraordinary self. Be your extraordinarysea gull self. Fly, fly, reach for heaven…”

“Okay… But, but, but… No I’m notan eagle;I’mjust a seagull.” He was feeling the dreadin his tummy, that was growling now. A cold fear in every cell of his bird body. He shook it off. He reminded himself, “false evidence appearing real.”

He affirmed to himself, “I’m going to face the day, face my fate, and be all, all I can be today. Maybe, maybe just today, I’ll practice flying, and fly higher than I ever have. Here I am; here I go…”


Gratitude in Hard Times

A picture of some type of drawing on the ground.The hardest time to have a grateful heart is when you’re sad about an event in your life.What I do in hard times is ask the angels of light and love to comfort me. I ask them how I can handle this and to help me withlove, miracles, and progress.

Iknow that God/Goddesses is only good and that even in the midst of difficulties there is so much to be grateful for. This wave, this challenge, I am facing will pass.Now let’s turn this day around, find some coffee or tea, a comfortable place to sit and write a gratitude list. There is so much to be grateful for even the midst of troubles. We can be victorious!

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